Month: November 1996

A Dad Who Didn't Quit

Three months before my father died of cancer, he wrote me a letter. I had just left the security of teaching and had gone into fulltime freelance writing. Life was very uncertain.

Learning From Mistakes

The Bible is not a written record of perfect people (except for Jesus, of course). From beginning to end, God's Word points out in painful detail the mistakes made by its characters.

Time And Eternity

My wife and I were visiting with some friends who had known my father, Dr. M. R. De Haan, when he was the pastor of their church. His ministry had left a deep and lasting impression on them. One woman told about an unforgettable experience that happened 50 years earlier.

Looking For Loopholes

Many lawbreakers on trial for their crimes hope that legal loopholes can be found to keep them from being punished. If they have enough money, they gladly pay for the services of attorneys who can discover those escape hatches for their clients.

Half-Baked Christians

The prophet Hosea used the tribe of Ephraim as a poetic representation of the northern kingdom of Israel. In Hosea's colorful admonition, Ephraim had become "a cake unturned" (Hos. 7:8).


I walked out of the woods as quickly as I could. Huge thunderheads had suddenly appeared on the horizon, towering skyward and turning the morning back into night. Just before I got to my truck, a huge rainstorm broke over me. Raindrops pelted down furiously from the black sky.

The Toy Search

Don Weiss realized that he had gone over the edge. He had just taken his 3-year-old daughter Megan to their third fast-food restaurant of the day, searching not for a meal but for a character from an animated film. "Here I was," he said, "driving all over town looking for a little plastic toy."

A Good Man

A good man is hard to find these days. At least that's the impression you might get from a society that is having a tough time finding heroes.

Lifelong But Temporary

When Paul Schneider was 2 years old, a medical specialist said that he would never walk or have understandable speech because of brain damage that occurred at birth.